1. A cell is a space in a worksheet formed by the intersection of a row and a column. An active cell is the cell that is currently being worked on. For example, cell G7 is the active cell in the above diagram.
  2. ROW: is defined as the horizontal space that is going across the window. Numbers are used to designate each ROW’s location.
  3. COLUMN: is defined as the vertical space that is going up and down the window. Letters are used to designate each COLUMN’s location.
  4. FORMULAS: formulas allow the spreadsheet users to do calculations with figures. The inclusion of formula has made the application unique. Formulas are group of characters we enter that serve as instruction for the spreadsheet package to perform calculations on the data is a spreadsheet. Example, C4= A4+F5  would calculate and display the sum of cell A4 and cell F5 into cell C4.
  5. RANGES: spreadsheet packages have another important feature called ranges. A range is simply a block cells. Formulas can act on a single cell or be directed to act on a range of cells. For example A4:E4 includes the cell A4, B4, C4, D4 and E4. Any calculation performed in A4 will also be performed in others cells.
  6. FUNCTIONS: functions are actually used as shortcuts when perfoeming mathematical calculations. They are pre-programmed formula that give power and flexibility to spreadsheet calculations. Example AVERAGE, SUM, MAX, MIN etc.



Starting Worksheet (Using Microsoft Excel)

Loading is the act of opening a program in order to use it. So to load Microsoft Excel, we follow these steps


  1. Highlight the procedures for loading Microsoft Excel program
  2. What do you understand by an active cell?
  3. What is row in database?
  4. What is the relationship between row and column?
  5. List THREE terminologies and explain briefly.
  6. What is cell?



  1. …………….. is simply a block cells. A. Formula B. Range C. Function D. None
  2. ……………… are actually used as shortcuts when performing mathematical calculations. A. Formula B. Range C. Function D. None
  3. …………… allows the spreadsheet users to do calculations with figures. . A. Formula B. Range C. Function D. None
  4. All except one is not an example of spreadsheet programs. A. Lotus 1-2-3  B. Supercal C. Visicalc D. Ms Word.
  5. Analysis is made with which of these applications. A. Ms word B. Ms access B. spreadsheet programs. D. All


  1. Highlight the procedures for loading Microsoft Excel program
  2. What is a cell?
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