Safety Rules in Physical and Health Education

What is a safety rule? Safety rules are the instruction that guides us during exercise to prevent us from been harmed.

Safety Rules in Physical Education

  1. Perform adequate warm-up exercises before engaging in any physical activity.
  2. Avoid throwing objects carelessly to prevent injuries.
  3. Refrain from attempting physical activities that are too challenging for your age or skill level.
  4. Stay focused and pay attention to the exercise or activity you are performing.
  5. Seek support from a partner or instructor when needed to ensure safety.
  6. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear to prevent injuries during activities.
  7. Follow instructions from your teacher or coach carefully.
  8. Use equipment properly and ensure it is in good condition before use.
  9. Be aware of your surroundings to avoid collisions or accidents.
  10. Stop immediately and inform your teacher or coach if you feel pain or discomfort during an activity.
  11. Stay hydrated by drinking water before, during, and after physical activities.
  12. Maintain a safe distance from others to prevent accidental injuries.
  13. Avoid horseplay or rough behavior during exercises.
  14. Cool down properly after physical activities to prevent muscle strain or injuries.


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic “Safety rules in physical and health education”

Step III: Teacher states the safety rules in physical and health education.

Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples

Step V: Pupils make relevant contributions.


  1. Define safety rules


  1. Explain three safety rules in physical and health education


See also

First Aid

First Aid

Ways of Improving Sleep

Importance of Resting

Rest and Sleep

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