Identification of words that points to writer’s intention on contemporary issue like corruption.
The writer intention pointing to the contemporary issue on corruption according to the passage.
- Bulgar proofing
- Fright
- Harmful object
- Crackled
- Trod
- Outwit
- Accidentally
Reference: New Oxford Book 2, page 22. Increase your word power.
Have you been to a hospital either as patient or a visitor? If you have, you will notice the various department that make up hospital. For instance, there is a casuality department that attend and treats accident victims – Also we have the following obsteritircs and gynaecology (treatment of disease). It concerns with birth of children. Paediatrics – it concerned with children. Surgery – for operation. Cardiology – (for the heart) nephorology (dealing with the kidney) neurology – (dealing with the brain) dermatology (slain) and gastroenterology (concern with the stomach organs such as the intestine, liver & spleen). Dentist – treat the teeth, opithalmic optician – who exam your eye etc.
Use your dictionary to find out more on (Hospital) vocabulary
- Thermometer
- Temperature
- Stethoscope
- Symptom of measles
- Vaccination
- Immunised
- Inoculation
- Analgestic
- Pharmacy
- Radiology
- Antibiotics
- X – ray
- Orthopaedic
See also
Transitive an intransitive verbs