Drama is a unique and distinctive genre of literature. Drama definition is a narrative presented by actors/ actor on stage through dialogue/ monologue and live actor. Usually, dramas are stories that are acted through the combination of performance, music, dance, props etc. The audience is able to feel part of the action.
There are four main forms of drama. They are comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy and melodrama.
COMEDY: Comedy is type of drama that aims to make the audience laugh. It’s time is light and it mostly has a happy ending
TRAGEDY: Murders, death, insanity and pain are among the most common ideas in tragedies. Main characters usually have some kind of weakness or defect that causes their downfall.
TRAGICOMEDY: Tragicomedy is a special kind of drama that combines the features of tragedy and comedy. It means that such play may be sad but have a happy ending or may be serious with some element of humor emerging throughout the whole play.
MELODRAMA: A melodrama is a dramatic work wherein the plot which is typically sensational and designed to appeal strongly to the emotion.
Strategies & Activities:
Step: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
List 4 types of drama
See also
Colouring of Functional Art Works
Paper Craft Making and Decoration
Pattern Making Using Motif and Colour
Traditional Song and Folk Song