Formation of a clot in the blood vessels is called thrombosis. Coronary thrombosis is the most common. It is caused by blockage of coronary artery which supplies blood to the heart. Blockage may be due to artery becoming fibrous or accumulation of fatty material on the artery walls.
Narrow coronary artery results in less blood reaching the heart muscles. A serious blockage can result in heart attack which can be fatal. Heavy intake of fat, alcohol, being overweight and emotional stress can cause coronary thrombosis. A blockage in the brain can lead to a stroke causing paralysis of part of the body, coma or even death. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding a lot of fat in meals and avoiding alcohol can control the disease.
This condition results from the inner walls having materials being deposited there or growth of fibrous connective tissue. This leads to thickening of the wall of the artery and loss of elasticity. Normal blood flow is hindered. Arteriosclerosis can lead to thrombosis or hypertension.
A person with hypertension which is also called high blood pressure has his/her blood being pumped more forcefully through the narrow vessels. This puts stress on the walls of the heart and arteries. Regular exercise, healthy diet and avoiding smoking can help maintain normal blood pressure.
Varicose Veins
- Superficial veins especially at the back of the legs become swollen and flabby due to some valves failing to function properly.
- This results to retention of tissue fluid.
- Regular physical exercise will prevent this condition.
- Repair of valves through surgery can also be done.
- Wearing surgical stockings may ease a mild occurrence.
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