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It is interesting to note that atoms of a given atomic number can have different number of neutrons. Atoms of elements having the same atomic number with different mass numbers… Read More »Isotopes


Occurrence Hydrogen does not occur free in nature. It occurs as Water and in Petroleum. School laboratory Preparation Procedure Put Zinc granules in a round/flat/conical flask. Add dilute sulphuric(VI) /Hydrochloric… Read More »HYDROGEN


Pure water is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, neutral liquid. Pure water does not exist in nature but naturally in varying degree of purity. The main sources of water include rain,… Read More »WATER


a) Occurrence. Fifty 50% of the earth’s crust consist of Oxygen combined with other elements e.g. oxides of metals About 70% of the earth is water made up of Hydrogen… Read More »OXYGEN