Basic Science and Technology (Primary Classes)

Characteristics of living things

There are seven activities which make organisms different from non-living things. These are the seven characteristics of living organisms. 1. Nutrition Living things take in materials from their surroundings that they use for growth or to provide energy. Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain energy and raw materials from nutrients such as proteins,

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Local Instruments that Produce Sounds

Local Instruments that Produce Sounds Local musical instruments are objects put together in the locality to produce music There are many local instruments in Nigeria that can produce sound. This include:- Shekere Samara Gangan Ekwe Udu Agidigbo Bata drum Kakaki Xalam Ogene Kontigi   Presentation Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic. Step II: Teacher

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Modern Instruments that Produce Sounds

Scientists have produced a lot of modern instruments that can produce sound energy, some of these instruments are:- drum, saxophone, clarinet, piano, guitar, harp etc. Examples of Instruments and Sound Energy Castanets clicking A calliope singing Cymbals crashing A drumstick striking a drum head Electric guitar whining A hammer striking a steel string in a

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