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Pressure is defined as the force acting normally (perpendicularly) per unit area . The SI units for pressure is newton per metre squared (N/m2). One Nm-2 is known as one Pascal… Read More »PRESSURE


MOTION Types of motion: (a) random motion (b) Translational motion  (c). Rotational motion  (d). Oscillatory motion  (e). relative motion Causes and effects of motion. Types of Motion Definition of motion:… Read More »MOTION


CIRCULAR MOTION 1. Meaning of circular motion Definition of terms Angular velocity ii. Tangential velocity iii. Centripetal acceleration Centripetal force v.  Centrifugal force  vi.  Period  vii. Frequency Calculations on circular… Read More »CIRCULAR MOTION

Motion Part

MOTION 1. Force Types of forces. Friction and types. Calculations on friction. Advantages and disadvantages of friction. Ways of reducing friction. Force and the types, Friction and types Force can… Read More »Motion Part


X-rays were discovered by a German scientist named Roentgen in 1985. They can pass through most substances including soft tissues of the body but not through bones and most metals.… Read More »X-RAYS


Properties of waves Waves exhibit various properties which can be conveniently demonstrated using the ripple tank. It consists of a transparent tray filled with water and a white screen as… Read More »WAVES