Air is made unsafe for breathing when it contains unpleasant odour from fåeces, dirt, poisonous gas and other rubbish. When air is polluted, it causes diseases or germs to spread to people. This can cause cough, small pox, chicken pox, tuberculosis (TB) and measles.
Polluted air can also cause suffocation. If people suffering from these diseases cough or sneeze, the germs that cause the diseases go into the air and other people could breathe them in, and be infected, with the diseases.
Sources of Air Pollution
- Cigarette smoking causes harmful smoke and odour that pollute the air.
- Bad odour from refuse dumped carelessly causes air pollution
- Smoke from å bad motorcycle causes air pollution
- The smoke from generator causes air pollution
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic
Step II: Teacher introduces the new topic “Air pollution”
Step III: Teacher lists and explains the various source of Air pollution
Step IV: Pupils contribute and ask questions.
Step V: Pupils copy the note and submit for marking.
- What is pollution?
- List five source of Air pollution
1. Explain the effect of inhaling polluted air.
See also
Physical and Health Challenges