SS 1 Scheme of work
Safety in the Workshop
- Workshop rules and regulations.
- Safety devices and equipment.
- Dress code in the workshop.
- Accident prevention techniques.
First Aid
- First aid material
- Application of first aid materials.
- Energy And Matter
- Definition of energy. The process of energy conversion, e.g. electrical to mechanical; gas to vapour.
Nature of Matte
- Define matter
- List the state of matter.
- Explain the process of changing matter from one state to another.
Temperature And Pressure
Temperature and its Measurement
- Concept of temperature.
- Different types of thermometer e.g. gas, liquid, resistance, thermocouple etc.
- Temperature scales conversion e.g. of to “C etc.
Pressure and its Measurement
- Concept of pressure.
- Different types of pressure measuring devices e.g barometer and their uses.
- Pressure measurement.
Temperature and pressure
- Effects of temperature, pressure ad volume in refrigeration and air- conditioningsystems.
- Gas law, Boyles law, Charles law, Dalton law
- Calculations involving general gas law formulae PNl = PN2: 1:1 = EJ Tl T2 Y…1 = ~ Tl T2 1:1Y…1 = pzYz
- Tl T2.
- Plotting various temperature scale
Refridgement And Air Conditioning Systems
Introduction to Refrigeration
- Refrigeration cycle:
- Evaporation,
- Compression,
- Condensation
- .Expansion
- Layout diagrams of refrigeration systems.
- Definition of refrigerant
- Types of refrigerants.
- Chemical name and formulae.
- Properties of refrigerants.
- Uses of refrigerants.
Compressors And Evaporators
- Types of compressors.
- Construction of compressors.
- Working principles of compressors.
- Types of evaporators.
- Construction of evaporators.
- Working principles of evaporators.
Workshop Practice
Basic Tools used in Refrigeration and Air conditioning Systems
- Basic tools- hack’-oil spring benderreamers, tube cut etc.
Servicing an air conditioner
- Tools and procedures for servicing window unit air- air-conditioner.
SS 2 Scheme of work
Energy And Matter
- Meaning of internal energy
- Enthalpy of a fluid substance, its pressure, volume, or temperature of internal energy
- The p.h. diagram of refrigerant
- The meaning of power.
- Calculation of power used bya compressor.
- The unit of power and heat e.g. watts, kilowatts, joules, kilojoules etc.
- Illustrates how power consumed by a compressor can be calculated from the formula power = mass flow
- rate(enthalpy (h) out let -enthalpy inlet)