Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Scheme of Work (SS1 & SS2)

SS 1 Scheme of work

  1. Workshop Safety

Safety in the Workshop

  1. Workshop rules and regulations.
  2. Safety devices and equipment.
  3. Dress code in the workshop.
  4. Accident prevention techniques.

First Aid

  1. First aid material
  2. Application of first aid materials.


  1. Energy And Matter


  1. Definition of energy. The process of energy conversion, e.g. electrical to mechanical; gas to vapour.


Nature of Matte

  1. Define matter
  2. List the state of matter.
  3. Explain the process of changing matter from one state to another.


Temperature And Pressure

Temperature and its Measurement

  1. Concept of temperature.
  2. Different types of thermometer e.g. gas, liquid, resistance, thermocouple etc.
  3. Temperature scales conversion e.g. of to “C etc.

Pressure and its Measurement

  1. Concept of pressure.
  2. Different types of pressure measuring devices e.g barometer and their uses.
  3. Pressure measurement.

Temperature and pressure

  1. Effects of temperature, pressure ad volume in refrigeration and air- conditioningsystems.
  2. Gas law, Boyles law, Charles law, Dalton law
  3. Calculations involving general gas law formulae PNl = PN2: 1:1 = EJ Tl T2 Y…1 = ~ Tl T2 1:1Y…1 = pzYz
  4. Tl T2.
  5. Plotting various temperature scale

Refridgement And Air Conditioning Systems

Introduction to Refrigeration

  1. Refrigeration cycle:
    1. Evaporation,
    2. Compression,
    3. Condensation
    4. .Expansion
  2. Layout diagrams of refrigeration systems.


  1. Definition of refrigerant
  2. Types of refrigerants.
  3. Chemical name and formulae.
  4. Properties of refrigerants.
  5. Uses of refrigerants.

Compressors And Evaporators


  1. Types of compressors.
  2. Construction of compressors.
  3. Working principles of compressors.


  1. Types of evaporators.
  2. Construction of evaporators.
  3. Working principles of evaporators.

Workshop Practice

Basic Tools used in Refrigeration and Air conditioning Systems

  1. Basic tools- hack’-oil spring benderreamers, tube cut etc.

Servicing an air conditioner

  1. Tools and procedures for servicing window unit air- air-conditioner.


SS 2 Scheme of work

Energy And Matter


  1. Meaning of internal energy
  2. Enthalpy of a fluid substance, its pressure, volume, or temperature of internal energy
  3. The p.h. diagram of refrigerant


  1. The meaning of power.
  2. Calculation of power used bya compressor.
  3. The unit of power and heat e.g. watts, kilowatts, joules, kilojoules etc.
  4. Illustrates how power consumed by a compressor can be calculated from the formula power = mass flow
  5. rate(enthalpy (h) out let -enthalpy inlet)
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