JSS 1 to SSS 3 Lesson Notes

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About Webbpedia

Webbpedia is one of the world’s biggest free online Learning websites. Webbpedia is a free online learning portal, specially designed to serve as an alternative means to the regular brick-and-mortar style of education for the less-privileged children or children born to low-income earners, adults who otherwise cannot afford to finance their way through school, as well as provide support to school children who need educational resources for further reading or learning. With webbpedia, students do not need to buy study materials such as textbooks or pay for lesson teachers and school fees; all materials and resources are offered for free.

Webbpedia was created as a solution to the challenges young people face, especially the less privileged, with obtaining quality learning content, as well as not benefiting from free educational programmes.

Webbpedia.com has gained popularity among young people from across the world. Currently, Webbpedia covers 200 countries and 4500 cities in the world.  We have provided thousands of lessons, courses, subjects, articles, past questions and answers to hundreds of thousands of students and teachers in our country and across the globe.


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Our Motivation and Mission

Webbpedia is about helping millions of less privileged people (especially the youth, secondary school students, high school students, college students, uneducated adults, dropouts and children in Sub-Saharan Africa and around the world) get a very robust free online education in anywhere, any day and any time.

About 263 million children are out of school, according to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistic (UIS). This includes 61 million children of primary school age, 60 millions of lower secondary school age, and including the first ever estimate of those of upper secondary school age at 142 million. In addition to this, there are many students that do not have textbooks for studies, to read, do homework or other educational tasks. (World Education Statistics)

Children of Sub-Saharan Africa the most excluded – of all the regions, Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of exclusion. Over a fifth of children between the ages of 6 – 11 are out of school, followed by a third of youth between the ages of 12 – 14. According to UIS data, almost 60% of youth between the ages of 15 – 17 are not in school and in addition to this, some of those students do not have textbooks to study, do assignments, carry out projects or complete educational tasks

Girls still more likely than boys to never go to school – Girls are more likely than boys never to set foot in a classroom, despite all the efforts and progress made over the past two decades. According to UIS data, 15 million girls of primary school age will never get the chance to learn to read and write in primary school compared to about 10 million boys. Over half of these girls – 9 million live in Sub-Saharan Africa.

These findings are presented in a paper released jointly by the UNESCO Institution for Statistic and Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. The paper also reveals the vast challenges faced by the poorest children (uis.unesco.org/en/news/263-million-children-and-youth-are-out-of-school).

With these large challenges in our various societies today, We decided to create and built a free online learning system called Webbpedia where every child has the rights to learn and be educated without paying a fee. Don’t forget that they are still millions of students that are in school, but their parents can’t afford to buy textbooks or learning resources.

We developed this web-based online learning portal for all for free. It contains lessons, notes, documentations, administrative works, courses delivery, online tests, online examinations, training programs, and subjects’ materials for learners and educators. You will agree with us that millions of parents strive so hard to pay for their children’s school fees and still cannot afford to buy them textbooks or learning materials due to hardship in the developing and underdeveloped countries. Even in some government schools if not all, where we have no school fees policy. Government still does not provide these children with free textbooks or learning materials.

Educators (teachers) in villages (rural areas) that do not have the privilege to attend quality educational seminars, workshops, training programmes or receive better lessons to give their students can now have access to lessons from this learning portal for free from educators in the cities that have attended such high quality training/seminars/workshops. Contents here come from qualified educators with government-approved standards that match both national and international standards.

This online learning portal project will cover a wide range of notes and lessons such as sciences, arts, commercial lessons, management lessons, junior classes’ subjects, vocational courses, entrepreneur courses, algebra lessons, statistics, programming languages, mathematics, languages, fisheries, painting and decoration, computer craft, and lots of other learning materials.

We have tried to develop it up to the stage it is now, but more work still needs to be done. So, we are here to ask for your support towards this project to give every child free education through ICT. Let’s join hands together to train the less privileged children and other children in schools across globe.

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Time Management

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Totally at no Cost

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Online E-learning Made Easy

Get all your study materials in one place. Have fun while studying on our platform

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Content Submission

Submit your contents here. Teachers and educators are allowed to submit their educational contents to help the students learn for free. Submit Your Contents Here

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This is the best online learning website that I have come across. Every note is well explained. I kept coming back to read more to learn more. The lesson notes here cover all my subjects scheme of work (curriculum) and also cover all subjects from JSS 1 to JSS 3 and from SS1 to SS 3.
Adam Senu, Nigeria
As a teacher, getting the right contents for my students is what I love to achieve and Webbpedia has all the learning contents that I need. The moment I visited this website, I got connected to massive wealth of contents for my students and for myself. Thank you webbpedia
Sarah Johnson, USA
Thanks guys for providing this online learning portal for free. So much learning materials and past questions to practice. This has contributed to the success of my studies. I hope some organizations can support this portal. We really need this in Africa and the world at large.
Mike Sendler, South Africa